Collaborate for Impact at Scale

Shared-value ECD partnerships ​

When we work together, we can achieve more:

Monitoring and Evaluation

that drives better decision making

Shared best practices

so that we continually improve

Cost-savings and efficiencies

through technology at scale

Quality education

that’s accessible in every neighbourhood

Sustainable ECD businesses

that create meaningful employment opportunities

Diversified funding

for ECD where it’s needed most

Partnerships and Platforms for Purpose

The ECD sector is blessed with many passionate and purpose-driven organisations and role-players. Each has their unique strengths and when we work together those strengths can shine.

When you choose to partner with Grow ECD you are getting a partner that is collaborative, innovative, accountable and reliable. Grow ECD has almost a decade of hands-on experience in early learning businesses and is run by internationally recognised social entrepreneur Tracey Chambers. We currently have thriving and diverse partnerships with organisations across the private and public sector, across the country, so make contact.  

What does it take to have impact at scale?

Our strategy for achieving impact at scale emphasises platforms, partnerships and people. By leveraging technology and partner strengths we can use shared resources and data to drive impact at scale. We seek out partners with aligned impact missions and engage in shared value collaborations.

"To truly scale up at the rate we need to address social problems all around us, social innovators must explore spreading their ideas and impact beyond their organizational boundaries"

Our Partner Offering

Data and reporting

Easy, real-time data collection. Stats at your fingertips. Industry insights.

Training and tools

Capacity building, practical digital tools and support to improve education and business skills at ECD centes.

Ecosystem collaboration

Facilitating connections, making content more accessible, unlocking opportunities and access to financial resources

Success story: 
Grow ECD and Breadline Africa partnership

Breadline Africa are experts in creating beautiful, functional infrastructure spaces for early learning:

Their classrooms, libraries and kitchens help ECD Centre owners increase capacity, safety and business sustainability while creating environments where children can thrive. Grow ECD and Breadline Africa work together to identify and select ideal centres that are committed to education, teacher development and professional practices. They have peace of mind knowing that centres receive continued training, coaching and support after the infrastructure handover and that children benefit from Grow ECD’s Quality Education Programme.

GROW and Love Trust partnership

Our collaboration with Love Trust will equip hundreds of ECD teachers-in-training with a professional (and free) learner assessment tool and training.

The Love Trust train accredited (NQF) Level 4 and Level 5 early childhood development teachers to teach Grade 000 and Grade R. By supplementing their knowledge and giving them access to our free learner assessment training and tools, these future teachers will have even more valuable tools in their toolbox.
