
Your time and expertise is very valuable and can assist Grow ECD in creative and unexpected ways. Donate your time and energy to support Educare Centres!

Volunteers can support our work through their professional skills such as

  1. Professional photography
  2. Graphic design work
  3. Copywriting or journalistic skills
  4. Marketing assistance
  5. Administrative support
  6. Legal services
  7. Fundraising
  8. Online research
  9. Training

Other fun ways to volunteer and give back

  1. Host a fundraiser at your school or office in support of Grow ECD.
  2. Select us as your beneficiary for your next adventure, marathon or another challenge.
  3. Challenge your friends to donate a gift to Grow ECD rather than to you on your next birthday.
  4. Donate a book on behalf of your friends for Christmas or Eid.
  5. Swipe your MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card for Grow ECD and raise funds when you shop.
  6. Make a sensory board for an ECD Centre